Part of Me..

Part of Me..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

iTs a mc day.....part 2... is my mc day....for the 2nd time kot...i'm not so sure bout that....but for sure..its a different mc day today....there was a small accident yesterday night....that is very terrible actually...while i prepare to cook...while using 'lesung batu'...'tumbuk sambal'...there was a 'cili' which cought into my right eye...its very the pain....that i rush into the sink pipe...and i started to watch my eyes...but its really pain...then i rush to the other side...go to bathroom....and start to use hose........squeeze directly to my eye....and its really is started to feel really scared...while i started to scream and cry....its very pain and i really scared that it will effect my first i cannot see anything.....then it become very blur that i decide to go to clinic.....but its still pain...very pain....feeling like my eye ball been squeeze by something.....urggghhhh......cannot describe the pain that i have....i look into eyes become very red....and 'lebam macam kena tumbuk'....then erni decide to take me to the clinic...on the way...the aircond comfort my eye very well....and its calm me....then at clinic.....after request for an emergency treatment because on that time...there were several patient waiting....and i'm going to wait for a long time.....its ok for me....but i'm just afraid that it will worst the after a while...the nurse call me...and we rush to the doc....after explain briefly to the doc....quickly doc instruct nurse to take something in the fridge.....then the doc put it in my eye...its a very cold and doc said that my eyes will feel cold for a while...and then he asked me to lay down..and erni send me to the car,... start the engine and she go back to the doctor and take my medicine and also my mc....according to the eye cannot be exposed to the direct he gave me mc for a day...after eyes started to feel a little bit calm...and cold that really comfort me...but we started to feel really before going back.....we stop by to have our sec 20......its just nearby the clinic....which is at sec 15.....i just have my nasi grg kg plus limau suam...while erni a little bit hungry...with mee hun grg + tea o + sate.....wau..a little big appetite....maybe..she's a little freak out to what happen to me....goshhh...kesian dia.....she tell me that she really scared of something bad happens to me.....she really curios but i really thankful that she's around me while something bad happen to me....imagine if i am alone....i dont know what will happens to me....its really pain......and thanks erni....hehehe..sorry cos make u worried....then after that we just straight go back to home.....i just start to take my medicine and its a really sleepy pil...that make me feel like want to sleep...really sleepy......but before i go to sleep....i still need to clock my alarm....cos erni got a trouble to wake up....since...she need help to wake her...if not...she's going to have a really late i clock 6.45...since i got mc ...i dont need to wake up after wake her...i just lay back to resume my sleep....then i wake up at 10.30....wash my face and brush teeth...then at my dining table...there were koko crunch and the milk inside prepare it before going to work....and i just grab it....and eat it...and taking my medicine and started to sleepy again...i think after this..i'm going to stop and body started to feel very tired...and i need rest....bye guys/....


[zsazsa] said...

sian ko.. harap mata ko cepat baik.. aku nk tuka keje lg.. aku ah bg notis.. tp aku kene blah awal.. uwaa takkan nak mia kot..

[zsazsa] said...

sian ko.. harap mata ko cepat baik.. aku nk tuka keje lg.. aku ah bg notis.. tp aku kene blah awal.. uwaa takkan nak mia kot..